Is Eddie Murphy dead?

Eddie Murphy NOT Dead: BEVERLY HILLS COP TV Series Project

Eddie Murphy dead has sprung as a trending topic countless times in the last year. The 51 year-old actor is now claimed to have died in a snowboarding accident on Friday morning. Fans rushed online to learn if Eddie Murphy is actually dead, however,

Twitter death hoaxes are on the rise, leading many to question social media's integrity as a valid news source. Bill Cosby is not dead. Neither is Eddie Murphy, nor Rihanna. These are just three of the biggest celebrity death hoaxes brought on by

Eddie Murphy is not dead and is live , happy and strong.His news of getting killed in snowboard accident in Zermatt,Switzerland spread like a viral all over the Internet on Friday.He is the latest victim of death prank after

If Eddie Murphy were dead — according to online rumors Murphy died (again) in a snowboarding accident in Switzerland — he would not be planning to turn his "classic" (between quotes) 1984 comedy Beverly Hills Cop into a television show. Vulture

Eddie Murphy dead has sprung as a trending topic countless times in the last year. The 51 year-old actor is.

courtesy: whurray
