Nowadays, everyone is looking for new ways to make some money. In
this difficult economic environment many people are looking for some new
forms of job in the Internet. Unfortunately, too many websites promise
to their visitors that they will become rich with a few clicks. The
truth is that if you don't work you can not make money.
A new website appeared on the internet where there are not promises
for thousands dollars from a click of a button but only professional
advice considering the creation of profitable websites. In this new
website you can find a complete guide on how to create websites for
Within the 7 work step guide, that everyone can read for free, you
can find how you can build a profitable website on the topic of your
selection. The website will be created by nature to give useful
information around a specific issue. In parallel, through your website,
you can promote products related to your topic through specific methods.
You can promote any product since the owners of these products offer
commission to people who promote them. Promotion of other people
products is named Affiliate marketing.
There is no limit to the products you can promote. You can choose by
yourself what product to promote as it is stated in the work step
5"choose products to promote" You can promote products from Amazon or
Ebay. You can promote products from big companies like Yahoo, Kodak,
etc. Most companies that operate online offer commission to anyone who
promotes them. The fees range from 4% of the product value and can reach
up to 75% of their value, depending on the product.
As a second source of income, you can host ads from Google Adsense.
These ads appear from Google at any place of your website you choose.
Google pays the owner of the site for each "click" made in these
advertisements. Most websites all over the world use this practice to
gain revenue. Google ads are the same as those that appear around the
search results when you put a word in Google search bar.
There are specific techniques you use to choose the theme of your
website, to add content to your site, to choose the right products to
promote, to gain traffic, etc. The most efficient techniques for any
action needed are presented in these 7 work steps. And the most
important thing is that you don't need even to sign up in order to
access the guide. Website