And here is the rest of it
Welcome everyone interested in making a flash site. I presume you have read or looked through my former article about deciding which business model of arcade site is right for you; Traffic trading or User oriented. If not I would go back and read that first so you can decide how you want your website to operate.
Today I will be talking about something that is very necessary for both types of models; Choosing your keywords. If you are new to websites you may be asking yourself what this means or why this is important. Well, first let me explain something. Gaining traffic is the main goal on mostly any revenue based website, right? But where do we get this traffic? Sure, you could buy it, but what if you are starting off with little to no budget? You could sponsor games and we will get into that in another article, but what if you don't have any experience in this and again no budget? The answer is FREE TRAFFIC. What?! Free?? Where do I get free traffic from? Okay, alright, pretty much anywhere you can place a link is free traffic, but we are talking about a source that is significant and gives you nice quality. In my personal opinion the best source if from search engines. Go ahead and type something in to Google and take a look at the first listing. Chances are they worked hard to get there and because of it they have a good chance that you will click on them first before moving on down the list. This is what you need to do! First you have to figure out what "phrase" or "keywords" you want to place first as.
Since we are talking about arcade sites here many of you are going to shout out, "I want to be the #1 spot for the search phrase 'flash games'". Stop now, please. You kind of have the right idea, it is has an extremely high volume of monthly searches and if you could be first there then that's superb but the competition of immense. There are hundreds of arcade sites fighting for that spot and many of those arcades are some of the biggest websites on the internet. The chances of even ranking on the first page is slim and to be honest it would be a difficult struggle to get there and not worth your time. You have to think of another phrase that is highly searched but is reasonable to obtain the frontpage of search listings.
When I am first aiming to pick a key phrase I generally use Google's handy tool called "Google insights" that permits you to type in a keyphrase and it tells you how popular it is and you can even compare it with other search phrases. Test a few out and discover a phrase that has a good amount of traffic and then Google that phrase and check out the competition. This may take a while because most arcade sites have found all the good niches, but not all of them. If you can locate a phrase that is highly search and not competed for go for it. Here are many popular keywords that are used, some very competitive and some not: Racing Games, Ben 10 Games, Flash Games, Girl Games, Dress up Games, Defense Games, Mario Games, Hot Games, Ninja Games, Stick Games, Funny Games, Shooting Games etc.. this list can keep going on.
Anyways, find a keyword that works for you! Once you decide on a keyword we can work on how to make your site efficient for SEO and SERPS. If you can manage to reach the #1 spot for that keyword you will notice a lot of traffic coming in from all the people clicking to your site from their searches. The site, Ninja Games, is listed #3 for the it's keyphrase "Ninja Games". From this I get a decent amount of traffic monthly just from people searching for that. I used to be on spot #2 at one point but I dropped because I have been busy with school and life in general. This difference in traffic between #3 and #1 is substantial though, and the higher up you make it the better. In another article I will tell you about how to rank higher and what tricks you can do to aid you. But now that you have picked your business model and keyword(s) you are well on your way!
Welcome everyone interested in making a flash site. I presume you have read or looked through my former article about deciding which business model of arcade site is right for you; Traffic trading or User oriented. If not I would go back and read that first so you can decide how you want your website to operate.
Today I will be talking about something that is very necessary for both types of models; Choosing your keywords. If you are new to websites you may be asking yourself what this means or why this is important. Well, first let me explain something. Gaining traffic is the main goal on mostly any revenue based website, right? But where do we get this traffic? Sure, you could buy it, but what if you are starting off with little to no budget? You could sponsor games and we will get into that in another article, but what if you don't have any experience in this and again no budget? The answer is FREE TRAFFIC. What?! Free?? Where do I get free traffic from? Okay, alright, pretty much anywhere you can place a link is free traffic, but we are talking about a source that is significant and gives you nice quality. In my personal opinion the best source if from search engines. Go ahead and type something in to Google and take a look at the first listing. Chances are they worked hard to get there and because of it they have a good chance that you will click on them first before moving on down the list. This is what you need to do! First you have to figure out what "phrase" or "keywords" you want to place first as.
Since we are talking about arcade sites here many of you are going to shout out, "I want to be the #1 spot for the search phrase 'flash games'". Stop now, please. You kind of have the right idea, it is has an extremely high volume of monthly searches and if you could be first there then that's superb but the competition of immense. There are hundreds of arcade sites fighting for that spot and many of those arcades are some of the biggest websites on the internet. The chances of even ranking on the first page is slim and to be honest it would be a difficult struggle to get there and not worth your time. You have to think of another phrase that is highly searched but is reasonable to obtain the frontpage of search listings.
When I am first aiming to pick a key phrase I generally use Google's handy tool called "Google insights" that permits you to type in a keyphrase and it tells you how popular it is and you can even compare it with other search phrases. Test a few out and discover a phrase that has a good amount of traffic and then Google that phrase and check out the competition. This may take a while because most arcade sites have found all the good niches, but not all of them. If you can locate a phrase that is highly search and not competed for go for it. Here are many popular keywords that are used, some very competitive and some not: Racing Games, Ben 10 Games, Flash Games, Girl Games, Dress up Games, Defense Games, Mario Games, Hot Games, Ninja Games, Stick Games, Funny Games, Shooting Games etc.. this list can keep going on.
Anyways, find a keyword that works for you! Once you decide on a keyword we can work on how to make your site efficient for SEO and SERPS. If you can manage to reach the #1 spot for that keyword you will notice a lot of traffic coming in from all the people clicking to your site from their searches. The site, Ninja Games, is listed #3 for the it's keyphrase "Ninja Games". From this I get a decent amount of traffic monthly just from people searching for that. I used to be on spot #2 at one point but I dropped because I have been busy with school and life in general. This difference in traffic between #3 and #1 is substantial though, and the higher up you make it the better. In another article I will tell you about how to rank higher and what tricks you can do to aid you. But now that you have picked your business model and keyword(s) you are well on your way!
thanks for helping me find my keyword.please visit my sitehow to make a flash website